I was challenged by my friend Naomi to name my 15 most memorable movies! I couldn't pick 15 so here's 21 for you....
1. Romancing The Stone (1984) / Jewel Of The Nile (1985)
- Totes my guilty pleasure growing up! I don't know what kind of seven year old
discovers and becomes obsessed with movies like this all by themselves, but I
defo wanted to be Joan Wilder growing up.
2. Back To The Future (1985)
- I didn't see this movie until I was 19 (shocker I know, seeing how much I love
it.) Let's just say, if you ever need cheering up - watch Back To The Future!
I'm still eternally grateful to Kamal Badder for bringing it into my world.
3. The Land Before Time (1988)
- Probably one of the most emotional animated movies of all time. Every 80s/90s
kid who watched this was emotionally scarred by it forever. I still cry every
time I watch that treestar float down from the heavens! (Yes, I still watch it)
4. Kindergarten Cop (1990)
- "Mr. Kimble I need to go to the bathroom!" This movie contained
some of THE best kid-comedy lines! My sis and I probably watched it about 20,000
times back in the day, completely inappropriate seeing as though it's a 15, but
Mum luckily forgot to tape the beginning bit with all the drugs and guns. Thanks
5. Ghost (1990)
- I borrowed this from my aunt at the tender age of nine thinking it would be
like 'Casper' and I was traumatised! Scared shitless for weeks by the thought
of invisible ghosts walking around me that I couldn't see! Was Sam Wheat following
me to bed? Who knows! Days thinking about that one...
6. Home Alone (1990)
- I first watched this as part of our school
Christmas treat back in Year 1. I had no idea what it was about and was
actually kinda pissed that it got voted for over the cartoons that I had bought
in to watch... But by the time Macaulay started setting those traps for the
robbers, my little mouth was wide with awe. I kinda wanted to get burgled that
night so I could emulate the awesomeness...
7. My Girl (1991)
- Every 90s kid has sobbed their heart
out at the death of Thomas J. Vada's voice still rings in my ears: "Put
his glasses back on! He needs his glasses!" I've read loads of reviews
that slam this movie, saying it has no structure, the supporting characters
have no depth, blah blah blah... One piece of advice - Kids don't give a shit
about structure! They don't give a shit about what Dan Akroyd's demons are
either. They only want to see a kid who they can relate to going through the same
stuff that they are and making it out the other side! If you want to study an
emotionally resonant kids movie - watch 'My Girl'!
8. Jurassic Park (1993)
- I saw this on my second ever trip to the movies ('Honey I Blew Up The Kid' being
the first) and was completely immersed in the pure, unadulterated cinematic
Spielbergyness! Oh, the terror that rose when that glass of water began to shake,
the T-Rex devouring the goat, Richard Attenborough's magic jelly and cake room,
and THAT kitchen scene!! Spielberg, please stop making movies about dead presidents
and recapture the magic!
9. Forrest Gump (1994)
- Forrest Gump will always be my number one movie of all time! Another film
that I picked up before I was old enough, it educated me on an emotional level
that nothing else could - A story about accepting your place in life and
dealing with what it throws at you the best you can. Anyone who disses Forrest
Gump, you and I cannot be friends...
10. The Lion King (1994)
- Every Disney movie is brilliant, but none of them are as memorable to me as
The Lion King. I was so bowled over by the epicness of it all that I was
actually speechless when I came out of the cinema! I couldn't talk, I couldn't
even finish my pick n mix! It's absolutely perfect from start to finish and you
can truly feel the love that went into making it with every scene. Best sequence
is with Rafiki and ghost Mufasa - "Remember who you are!" Oooo
11. Now and Then (1995)
- Not the most epic movie of all time, but it's so memorable to me as it was THE
staple sleepover movie for my friends. We each claimed one of the characters
and we were most certainly going to be just like them when we grew up - I was always
Teenie, nobody was taking a future of Hollywood success and boob jobs away from
me! (I still slightly pine for those nights filled with Spice Girl routines,
ouija boards and marshmallows melted in chocolate)
12. Clueless (1995)
- I saw Clueless when I was fourteen and vowed that from that day forward that my
life would be just as totally fabulous as Cher's. I'd bare my midriff, have a
flip phone and prance around in a corduroy miniskirt with platforms and fluffy backpacks
while falling in love with a gay guy and making out with my not-so-step-brother.
13. Scream (1996)
- In Year 7, me and my friends went through a phase of staying up all night
watching horror movies. We'd send an easygoing parent down the video store to
rent us everything from 'Friday the 13th' to 'The Amityville Horror' to 'Candyman'
(don't do it kids!) My Mum was sent out almost every week to rent us Scream -
And scream we did so.
14. American Pie (1999)
- There's nothing more memorable of being fourteen and sharing the experience
of watching Jason Biggs shag an apple pie with your best mates... That is all.
15. Moulin Rouge (2001)
- I managed to convince my friends to go see this on the day it came out, I had
no idea what it was about, but I'd seen a five second promo on MTV and saw it
was 'sparkly'. We arrived after it started but were just in time for Ewan McGregor
to burst out into 'Your Song' - Anyone that knows me will understand the pure
joy that came with seeing that moment for the first time, and the other
eighty-something minutes of sparkly musical awesomeness that came after it.
16. Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
- A movie that is probably only funny if you were in your teens at the time of
its release, but I still see it as totally hilarious! I probably know every
line after watching it three times a day during a summer I spent in Italy where
it was the only thing on TV that was in English. Same goes for 'Scary Movie'!!
17. Bruce Almighty (2003)
- I saw this on my first ever trip to LA. It's a brilliant movie - Well
written, charming and funny, plus it stars Jennifer Aniston! After spending two
weeks exploring the wonders of movie-making la-la land, this film excited me to
the possibility that I could one day be making something just as wonderful. Universal
Studios' comedy at its best.
18. Finding Nemo (2003)
- This little gem was released a few weeks into my first term of uni - A time
where I didn't know what the hell was going on or what path I was on. I felt completely
lost... until a little blue fishy started singing "Just keep swimming, just
keep swimming!" Yup, Nemo got me through that tough time.
19. The Notebook (2004)
- Okay, who hasn't cried the eyeballs out of their head at the Notebook? This
is what all girls want: Dramatic, undying, forbidden romance at its best. Apart
from being a great story, it's beautifully filmed, plus you get to see Ryan
Gosling and Rachel McAdams ACTUALLY fall in love before your very eyes. It's a
thing of magnificence.
20. Walk The Line (2005)
- My friend Katy made me sit down and watch this (knowing I'd love it) and I've
trusted her judgement ever since! A biopic/musical/love story set in the 50s
and 60s? It's like the indie -studio Gods created it just for me! Plus Reese is
a total delight.
21. Atonement (2007)
- I hadn't been that amazed by anything at the cinema for a couple of years,
then I saw Atonement. Just wow. A speechless Lion King experience all over
again. A devastating love story with moments that haunt you for life (Keira
Knightly floating in the flooded tube tunnel - chilling!)
Every title on this list changed how I saw myself or the
world and I hope that my own movies will one day mean so much to someone x
Posted by Cera Rose Pickering. Posted In : Random