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Exciting New Projects On The Horizon!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, In : Random 
It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I'd check in to say that (after a slow/difficult/frustrating/post-strike year) I have some really fab and exciting projects on the horizon! I can't say much more at the moment, but please keep your eyes and ears on this page and my socials for updates :)  #newmovies #newprojects #newventures 
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I'm Now A BAFTA Connect Member!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, In : Contests & Awards 
Excited to share that I've been accepted as a new member of BAFTA Connect! 🎉 Can't wait to meet everyone and see where the opportunity takes me 🥳🎬⭐️📽 #bafta #baftaconnect #imintheband x

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'Styled With Love' Nominated For a 2023 MovieGuide Award!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, In : Contests & Awards 
A couple of weeks ago, I was extremely excited (and slightly overwhelmed) to hear that my TV movie 'Styled With Love' was nominated for a MovieGuide Award in the Best Mature Audience For TV category! Unfortunately, it didn't win (the award went to Lord Of The Rings) but I still feel honoured that it was nominated, especially alongside some really big TV shows. Sending a big thank you to the everyone at MovieGuide for including it 😁📽⭐️🏆

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'Planes, Trains, And Christmas Trees' debuts on Paramount +

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, December 1, 2022, In : Now Showing 
Exciting news - my Christmas movie 'Planes, Trains, And Christmas Trees' will be making its debut on Paramount + in the UK from November 24th! The movie will also air in Canada on November 30th on CityTV. 

Thanks again to Reel One Entertainment for bringing my ideas to life, along with director Marta Borowski and our fabulous cast: Kathryn Davis, Olivier Renaud, Richard Waugh, Maria Syrgiannis, Christopher Seivright, Ewa Wolniczek, Markeda Mckay, and Ashton James. I can't wait to bring some Ch...
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'Daddy's Fort' Wins 'The Kim Wheeler Emotional Impact Award' at London Premiere of 'The Impact'

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, June 6, 2022, In : Contests & Awards 
The London premiere of 'The Impact' was an emotional whirlwind of joy, love and gratitude ❤️ I finally got to see the movie on the big screen and the results far exceeded my expectations! There is SO much talent in this film, not just in the acting, but in the writing, direction, editing, production design, music, hair & makeup and costumes. Together, the cast and crew have made something incredibly unique, quirky and special, and we should all be extremely proud ✨️ Special snaps go out to my tea...
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'The Impact' Gets London Premiere at The Genesis Cinema

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, In : Events 
On May 31st, THE IMPACT, a movie that I co-wrote and co-produced, will finally get its London premiere at The Genesis Cinema in Whitechapel. Eight years in the making, this project has definitely been a labour of love for everyone involved, so I can't wait to see it on the big screen! To celebrate, here's a press release about my involvement in the movie...



Cera Rose Pickering’s project ‘Daddy’s Fort’ is part of th...

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'Planes, Trains And Christmas Trees' Begins Shoot!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, February 10, 2022, In : In Production 
My second TV movie, 'Planes, Trains And Christmas Trees', a warm and fuzzy Christmas romance, began shooting this week in Canada! I'm told that the cast and crew are already having a blast on set, so I can't wait to see how it turns out :) Thanks again to everyone at Reel One Entertainment for giving me this opportunity, and for making my words (and dreams) come to life! x 
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My First Feature Film Goes Into Production!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Sunday, October 10, 2021, In : In Production 
Excited to finally reveal that my first feature film is has just finished shooting in Canada! 🎉 📽 🙌🏻 I still can't say too much about it at the moment but it's a warm and fuzzy romance movie that will be coming to your TV screens by the end of the year. Big thanks to Reel One Entertainment for giving me the opportunity and an even bigger thank you to my fab agent Christina for putting me forward for the job 💖 More updates coming soon! x

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'Christmas Colours' Published in Christmas Anthology by The London Screenwriters' Festival & Create 50 Press

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Friday, December 11, 2020, In : Books 
The Christmas anthology that includes my short story 'Christmas Colours' is now available to buy on Amazon! All proceeds go to keeping The London Screenwriters' Festival afloat after tough year of covid. I definitely wouldn't be where I am in my writing career without the support of LSF and the people who run it, so please do buy a copy of the book if you're able to ? x
Get your copy here>>>

Santa's Bedtime Book Of Adventure Stories: 25 magical Christmas s...
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'Halfway Hotel' To Be Produced by Scriptworks Productions!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Sunday, November 1, 2020, In : In Production 
Scriptworks Productions are going to produce my new short film, HALFWAY HOTEL!

The film is a short drama about a mother who seeks refuge with her two children in an abandoned hotel after leaving her abusive husband. Filming was due to begin in early November, but these dates have had to be postponed due to the new government lockdown. Hopefully we'll be able to resume production in December or early next year!

Keep keeping safe, and I'll keep you updated.

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2020 Update!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Saturday, October 24, 2020, In : Random 
I haven't written a post on here for a very long time, but so much has happened! 

My life was turned upside down in February 2019 when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour on my left frontal lobe. As you can imagine, this came as a bit of a shock, but thankfully the tumour was benign and was removed by the excellent surgeons working in The Molly Lane Fox Unit at UCLH. It's taken me a long while to recover from the surgery and all the treatment, but I'm finally feeling better than ever. 

I manage...
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Peters Fraser + Dunlop!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Sunday, June 3, 2018, In : Books 
Exciting news!

I will now be represented by Silvia Molteni at Peters Fraser + Dunlop who will be looking my novel writing interests beginning with my novel adaptation of BLINK! I have been totally overwhelmed by the response to my submissions across the board - everyone had such lovely things to say about my writing which gives me great hope that publishers will feel the same. 

Next task is to do some more edits before the book goes out into the publishing world - eeek!

NB - My screenwriting int...
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Ms. Hannigan Chosen For The Herts & Essex Playwriting Festival

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Sunday, January 14, 2018, In : Contests & Awards 
I received a lovely message last week informing me that my stage adaptation of THOSE KIDS WHO KILLED MS. HANNIGAN has been chosen to be performed as part of The Herts & Essex Playwriting Festival. An extract from the play will be performed on Monday 26th February 2018 at The Harlow Playhouse. If it's the audience favourite on the night it will go forward to the grand final on the Tuesday, where it has the chance of being produced by Contexture Theatre Company!

Will post more details when I kno...
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'Listen To Bapou' launches on!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, November 6, 2017, In : Now Showing 

Alerting all fans of animated comedy! Online animation channel BanterHawk has finally released the first few episodes of my new comedy, Listen To Bapou!

The show is a six part animated web series based on the real-life character of my obnoxiously traditional Greek-Cypriot granddad, who I call Bapou. (Bapou being the Greek word for granddad...) In the show, Bapou decides to become a YouTube vlogger so that he can rant to the younger generations about their life choices and give them some unsoli...

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Interviewed by The Working Arts

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, September 18, 2017, In : Screenwriting 
A few weeks ago, I had the privileged of being interviewed by the lovely Erica Lee Martin from The Working Arts.

The Working Arts is a podcast that celebrates the careers of people currently working in the creative industries and explores how they got to into working in their respective areas. It was lovely to sit down with Erica and chat about my very crazy, extremely non-linear route into screenwriting and talk about the direction that I hope my career goes in the near future. 

You can find ...
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The London Screenwriters' Festival 2017 - Festival Rundown!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, September 18, 2017, In : Events 
Being my sixth year, I was kind of expecting this year's London Screenwriters' Festival to feel a bit samey - but it turned out to be my best one yet!

There isn't really anywhere else in the UK where writers, producers, directors and actors can all convene, network and meet like-minded people who are working in the creative industries. Over the past few days I've realised that LSF is absolutely essential to my career. Plus I get to spend a week with so many amazing writers who, over the years,...
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Pre-LSF 2017...

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, August 30, 2017, In : Screenwriting 
I don't know about you, but it feels like the last 12 months have totally flown by! It's nearly time for everyone's favourite  screenwriting event - The London Screenwriters' Festival :) This year, my coming-of-age drama 'Lola', which I wrote a few years ago now, has been selected for The Actors Table Read. I'm really looking forward to revisiting the script and seeing it performed, as it has always been one of my faves.

I also found out yesterday that I have been selected for the Writers' Roo...
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Destination: Hollywood Takes To The Stage!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, June 22, 2017, In : In Production 

At the beginning of 2017, I was asked by Hertford Dramatic & Operatic Society if I would like the opportunity to direct a staged reading for their drama programme – an invitation to which I replied to with, “Yes, please!”

When asked what I might like to direct, I proposed the idea of adapting one of my screenplays, Destination: Hollywood for stage – that way I would have the opportunity to see some of my own work come to life in full, which, of course, is every writer’s dream!


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Green Door Pictures & Lionsgate TV Shortlist 'Blink!' For 'Write To Green Light' Initiative

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, September 29, 2016, In : Contests & Awards 
I had an exciting phone call last night from Green Door Pictures informing me that 'Blink!' is one of ten scripts shortlisted for their new 'Write To Green Light' initiative!

These ten scripts will now be read and judged again by execs at Green Door and Lionsgate UK (who are running the initiative) then three projects will be chosen to move forward as finalists for an industry performance and possible option. Even if I don't advance I'm already taking this as a massive win as my script will no...
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Angelique Pretorius and Gillian Harker Join 'Beauty'

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, In : Film Making 
Things are moving slowly but surely with 'Beauty', the short film I wrote for Flickerhead Films. Gillian Harker has joined the team to co-produce with Henry Coleman and we have cast actress Angelique Pretorius in the lead role of Elle.

The comedy is currently set for a spring 2017 shoot - can't wait! :) 
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'The Amazing Ava' Goes Into Production!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, In : In Production 
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the shoot of 'The Amazing Ava', a short film I wrote for Mobley Street Productions. It was such a rewarding experience! You really do learn so much as a writer as you watch people adapt your script to fit the restrictions of time, cost and location, plus... your script is being made before your very eyes! What could be better than that?! :) 

The comedy drama is directed by Laurel Parker and stars her daughter Edith Parker in the role of Ava. I can'...
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Listen To Bapou Goes Into Production

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Saturday, July 16, 2016, In : In Production 
Exciting things happening at the moment!

Things are moving along nicely with my comedy animation series  "Listen To Bapou" which has recently gone into production with Banter Hawk TV. This online show is based around the character of my obnoxiously traditional Greek-Cypriot Granddad and explores some of the frustrations the older members of society have about the modern world. 

The character of Bapou will be voiced by Darren Altman, most recently known for his appearance on Britain's Got Talen...
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Create 50 Winner!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, In : Screenwriting 
The winners of Create 50 - The Impact were announced yesterday and I'm pleased to say that my project 'Daddy's Fort' was one of the chosen scripts!

The 54 scripts in the final selection will now move forward into the filmmaking phase where producers and directors are invited to team up, chose a script and produce it. The best 50 films will then be selected for the final edit of the feature length movie which will be screened in UK cinemas.

Big congrats to my LSF friends who were among the sel...
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Create 50 Finalist!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, In : Screenwriting 
Excited to find out today that two of my short screenplays 'Plummet' and 'Daddy's Fort' have both made the finals for Create 50's latest project 'The Impact'!

Fingers crossed that one of these scripts makes it through to the final 50 which will be put forward for production for the final film :)

Well done to all the other finalists! Lots of talent in the group :)

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A Quick Catch-You-Up...

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Friday, January 22, 2016, In : Screenwriting 
So, I've just seen that my last post (from October) didn't actually post properly! So here's a brief run-down of the last few months...

LSF 2015 was brill. I met loads of wonderful new writers and producers! It's great to see the community growing year by year. Kudos to Chris Jones (as always) for creating and bringing the festival into existence :)

My Writers' Lab with Joshua St. Johnston was an enlightening experience, especially getting to hear how he put together 'The Enfield Haunting'. It ...
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Pre-LSF 2015!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, In : Screenwriting 
So, it's nearly time for the 2015 London Screenwriters' Festival! The line up this year looks totally fab - of course I'm mostly excited for the script to screen of 'Jaws' (Big Spielberg fan!)

I'm also thrilled to that 'Destination: Hollywood' has been selected for The Actors Table Read, and 'Leonard of Mayfair' has been selected for the 'Writing True Stories' Lab led by Joshua St. Johnston, writer of 'The Enfield Haunting'.

Can't wait! :)

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Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest 2015

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, October 1, 2015, In : Screenwriting 
So, my roadtrip comedy feature 'Destination: Hollywood' has made it through to the Quarter-Finals of the Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest! I'm totally thrilled be selected in the Action/Adventure category!

It's also great to hear that a number of writer friends have also made it through in other categories - Congrats to KT Parker, Darren Barker, Rebecca Handley and fellow Imagine Talent writer, Dominic Carver!

Fingers crossed that we all make it through to the Semi-Finals, which will...
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One Of My Favourite Quotes

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, August 10, 2015, In : Random 
Going to update you all on my whereabouts very soon, but for now I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes...
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Keep Going :)

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, In : Random 

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Busy, busy, busy...

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, March 23, 2015, In : Random 
It's been a while since my last update, but that's because I've been busy, busy, busy!

I've been working hard to finish my new feature film: Destination: Hollywood, which is now ready to take on the world. I'm pretty excited about this one! Hopefully you'll all be able to see it on the big screen in the not-so-distant future :)

This year, I've also decided to apply for all of the US TV Writing Fellowships and have written a spec episode of The Big Bang Theory entitled: The Time Travel Manipulat...
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London Screenwriters' Festival 2014

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Friday, October 31, 2014, In : Screenwriting 

It seems that LSF 2014 has come and gone in a flash!

As a third year 'veteran delegate' (as Chris Jones calls us!) this year's festival really felt like coming home. It was great to catch up with old friends and hear about the progress made in their careers - a testament to hard work and perseverance!

As this year's delegate capacity was nearly 700 (!) I also met a lot of new writers, directors and actors, all at different stages of their careers but all eager and hungry to learn. It was lo...

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LSF Podcast - How To Be A Delegate Superstar!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, In : Screenwriting 
Today I went down to Ealing Studios to record a podcast imparting my wisdom on how to be a delegate superstar at this year's London Screenwriters' Festival! You can check out the full interview with Chris Jones at the link below:)

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21 Memorable Movies That Moved A 90s Kid...

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, In : Random 
I was challenged by my friend Naomi to name my 15 most memorable movies! I couldn't pick 15 so here's 21 for you....

1. Romancing The Stone (1984) / Jewel Of The Nile (1985)
- Totes my guilty pleasure growing up! I don't know what kind of seven year old discovers and becomes obsessed with movies like this all by themselves, but I defo wanted to be Joan Wilder growing up.

2. Back To The Future (1985)
- I didn't see this movie until I was 19 (shocker I know, seeing how much I love it.) Let's...

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Writer's Blog Tour 2014

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, In : Screenwriting 
I've been asked by my lovely writer friend Phil Lawrence to participate in the Writer's Blog Tour 2014 and talk a little bit about my work. Empire magazine, eat your heart out!

What am I working on?
I always say that I'm going to concentrate on one project at a time but that never happens! In fact, I think it's healthier for the mind to work between two projects so creativity can flow in its own good time. Put it down if you're stumped. That's rule one!

I've just finished a family sitcom b...

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"50 Kisses" Breaks Guinness World Record!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, In : Film Making 
The day before Valentines Day I had the pleasure of attending the world premiere of the movie "50 Kisses" at the East End's Genesis Cinema. This is the first feature film produced by the London Screenwriters' Festival!

"50 Kisses" was an initiative set up in 2011 by LSF that invited delegates to submit a two page script on the theme of love and every story had to included a kiss. The best fifty scripts were then chosen, produced, and put together to make a feature length movie!

The result far ...
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Meeting Joss Whedon!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, December 2, 2013, In : Screenwriting 
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting the crazy talent (and crazy funny) Joss Whedon!

Myself and twenty other screenwriters attended a two hour workshop courtesy of IMPOSSIBLE, a new social network set up by actress and model Lily Cole. Impossible allows its users to post 'wishes' on its website and encourages others to come forward and grant those wishes by donating their specific skills and time.

Maybe you want to learn French? Or how to knit? Or someone to chat to? Those are all current w...
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London Screenwriters' Festival 2013

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Sunday, November 17, 2013, In : Screenwriting 

It's taken me a whole month to write about it, but LSF 2013 was an amazing experience!

Highlights for me included my Actor's Table Read with Patterson Joseph, watching Basic Instinct with its writer Joe Ezsterhas and of course the Great British Pitchfest!

The networking opportunities at LSF have been invaluable over the past year to my career, so once again, a massive thank you to Chris Jones and the LSF team - I promise to dedicate my first BAFTA / Oscar to you guys!!


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Pre LSF 2013 and Actors Table Read...

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, In : Screenwriting 
It's nearly time for the 2013 London Screenwriters' Festival and this year there is a whole WEEK of festival goodness! Really looking forward to attending the amazing sessions on offer and meeting this year's speakers and delegates.

A section of my TV Pilot BLINK! has also been chosen for the Actors Table Read, and will be workshopped by Actor and Director Patterson Joseph, alongside Actresses Angela Shaftoe and Katie McGarry. I can't wait to watch them bring my work to life!

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Summer Update

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, In : Random 

Just realised I haven't posted for a while...
Summer has been great; lots of sun, lots of writing and a trip to LA! There's such a great creative vibe in Los Angeles, I always come back inspired to write and step up my game. And that's exactly what I'm doing....

Hope to be back soon LA!

(Oh, and I met Matt Damon again - What a lovely guy!)

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Breakfast Club Blog - March 2013

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, In : Screenwriting 
My newest article for the London Screenwriters' Festival Breakfast Club Blog!

How I got my first agent:)
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Newest Client of Imagine Talent!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Friday, March 15, 2013, In : Screenwriting 

I am trilled to announce that I have signed with agent Christina Pickworth at Imagine Talent! Really looking forward to working with Christina and seeing some of my projects come to life:)

Take a look at my portfolio page here: 


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Happy New Year!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, In : Random 

Hope you all have a creative and prosperous 2013:) I'm looking forward to moving forward with various projects!

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London Screenwriters' Festival 2012

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, In : Screenwriting 

On October 26th - 28th, Screenwriters from around the world gathered at Regents College for the 2012 London Screenwriters' Festival.

Highlights for me included taking part in the first Great British Pitchfest, chatting to X-Files writer Frank Spotnitz, and breaking down an episode of Mad Men with writer and producer Lisa Albert. I also had the pleasure of being chosen for the Channel 4 Creating Drama Series Lab with Phillip Shelley.

Thank you to Chris Jones, Signe Olynyk, Bob Schultz and every...

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Writer's Breakfast Club

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, September 13, 2012, In : Screenwriting 
I had the pleasure of attending my first Writer's Breakfast Club at the beginning of September with guest speaker Yvonne Grace - Lots of great tips, inspiration and networking!

You can see my review of the event on the London Screenwriter's Festival Blog:

Can't wait for the festival next month!
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TwitChange Article - Be Kind: Healthy, Green, Eco-Friendly Living With @AliciaSilv

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, November 3, 2011, In : TwitChange 
Ever thought about going Vegan? Read my new TwitChange article on Alicia Silverstone's 'The Kind Life' and see how yummy and easy it can be!

As someone who's not supposed to eat dairy, I'm dipping my toes very slowly into the vegan pool!


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TwitChange Article - #LittleVoices & @SophiaBush Sing Victorious Songs

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Thursday, November 3, 2011, In : TwitChange 
A link to my first article for on how One Tree Hill actress, Sophia Bush (my role model) is using Twitter to become a prominent role model and inspire thousends of people around the world to make positive changes in the world around them.

TwitChange is an organisation founded by Shaun King that studies how social media is creating social good and social change.

Happy reading!
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Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, In : Random 
Launch Day! is now live!

Check back for further updates and information soon...

Thanks for visiting,
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#instafamous 50 kisses 80s movies 90s movies actors table read advice agent alice murray alicia silverstone angelique pretorius animation articles award awards ayn rand bafta bafta connect banter hawk banterhawk beauty blink blink! bob schultz books brain tumour britain's got talent buffy canada carl gottlieb channel 4 charity cheryl nicholson chris jones christina pickworth christmas christmas colours christmas movie citytv comedy community competition contest contexture theatre create 50 create50 daddy's fort darcy joy brooks darren altman darren barker david reynolds delegate info destination hollywood destination: hollywood die hard director dom lenoir dominic carver dominic philpot drama edith parker epic erica lee martin fear feature film film making filming final draft finalist finding nemo first post flickerhead films food genre georgina blackledge gillian harker graham duncan grateful green door pictures halfway hotel happy happy new year happy publication day harlow playhouse hdos health henry coleman hertford dramatic & operatic society idris elba imagine talent impossible in production inspiration inspiring interview jack bernhardt jaws jeb stuart joe eszterhas joe ezsterhas joshua st. johnston joss whedon julia tarnoky kathryn davis kim wheeler kt parker laurel parker leonard of mayfair leslie manning lilly cousins lily cole lionsgate uk list listen to bapou live lockdown2020 lola london premiere london screenwriters' festival los angeles love lsf mark barnikel marta borowski matt damon message michael taylor mobley street productions movieguide movieguide awards movies nathan foad networking new beginnings new book new opportunities new projects new publication new ventures nominated olivia williams olivier renaud online opportunity paramount + persistence peters fraser + dunlop philip lawrence pilar alessandra pitchfest pitching planes trains and christmas trees plummet podcast postponed pre production premiere process quotes rachel paterson rebecca handley reel one entertainment romance romance movie santa's bedtime book of adventure stories scott meyer screenwriting script lab scripts scriptworks productions see you in honolulu series short film shortlisted silence of the lambs silvia molteni sophia bush sophie manarin stage play staged reading steve la rue steven spielberg styled with love submissions summer ted tally the amazing ava the big bang theory the enfield haunting the genesis cinema the hertford theatre the herts & essex playwriting festival the impact the london screenwriters' festival the working arts theatre those kids who killed ms. hannigan tony jordan topical comedy tracey parsons tv movie tv writing fellowships twitchange update web series winner workshop world record write to green light initiative writer's blog tour writers room writing 2013 2014 2017 2020 2022 2023 2025